
곽규성, 구경모, 오상근, 배기선, & 김규용. (2010). 15 년 이상 경과한 공동주택 옥상에서 노후화된 방수층 보호 콘크리트의 실태 조사에 관한 기초적 연구. 대한건축학회 논문집-구조계, 26(10), 89-96.
곽규성, 구경모, 오상근, 배기선, & 김규용. (2010). 15 년 이상 경과한 공동주택 옥상에서 노후화된 방수층 보호 콘크리트의 실태 조사에 관한 기초적 연구. 대한건축학회 논문집-구조계, 26(10), 89-96.
작성자 관리자
조회수 773 등록일 2010.10.28
주저자 곽규성
공동저자 구경모, 오상근, 배기선, 김규용
학술지명 대한건축학회논문집 제26권 제10호(통권264호) 2010년 10월

The generally apartment houses in the 1980s are comprised of the topping concrete of the flat-roof. These topping concrete is requires advanced quality control of durability, because it directly is subjected to the deterioration factors of environments.

 However, the topping concrete is not correct a standard specification and a maintenance guidelines by reason of the nondearing structures. In addition, it is in bad keep the document for the mixing ratio site and thickness of the topping concrete. Therefore, the topping concrete is required standard valuation to decide whether is retention or not for repair works.
 As a result of actual state on the field, most topping concrete is occurred to deteriorate the surface crack, spalling, and pop-out scaling etc. Moreover, it is evaluated to the deterioration of general topping concrete through the freezing-melting, rebound test, neutralization, alkalinity, air void, and X-ray diffraction.
 These results lead us to the conclusion that the main cause of deteriorated topping concrete was decided that wouldn't be fulfilled quality control of concrete and was founded to accelerate deterioration of topping concrete for the neutralization and freezing-melting.