
곽규성, 서현재, 김규용, & 오상근. (2011). 上水道 콘크리트 構造物 最適 維持管理를 위한 內部 防水/防蝕材의 附着强度 性能等級 設定에 관한 實驗的 硏究. 대한건축학회 논문집-구조계, 27(7), 149-158.
곽규성, 서현재, 김규용, & 오상근. (2011). 上水道 콘크리트 構造物 最適 維持管理를 위한 內部 防水/防蝕材의 附着强度 性能等級 設定에 관한 實驗的 硏究. 대한건축학회 논문집-구조계, 27(7), 149-158.
작성자 관리자
조회수 777 등록일 2011.07.01
주저자 곽규성
교신저자 042-821-7731
공동저자 서현재, 미야우치 히로유키, 김규용
학술지명 대한건축학회논문집 제27권 제7호(통권273호) 2011년 7월


It has been very difficult to choose suitable engineering method for concrete tank of water distribution because the guidelines of design standard, construction and quality control are unclear until yet. So, the evaluation method with required performance and election criteria for waterproof and anti-corrosion is necessary.
 In this study, 12 types of waterproof and anti-corrosion methods are evaluated with bond strength in the conditions of wet/dry, chemical agents deposition, ozone exposure treatment, and freezing and thawing.
 Based on the test results, performance rating method of bond strength with pre-conditions is developed with standard normal distribution and probability density function by applying 2σ. Also, evaluation matrix mechanism can be established for optimal performance requirements and reliable waterproof and anti-corrosion methods.